HamCon BE2025
C'est avec grand plaisir que nous publions la liste des présentations à HamCon Belgium 2025 :
HamConBE25 comprendra dix présentations et un atelier.
Amateur Radio (non-technical)
20 jaar Digital voice (NL) (Patrick, ON4PN)
Radiosports: the competitive side of ham radio (Franki, ON5ZO)
Ham radio as a tool: promoting amateur radio in the science and hacker/maker communities (Kristoff, ON1ARF)
Radio-Technology (technical)
Mains pollution by electronics-generated harmonics, consequences and mitigation (Thierry, ON5TE)
The issues with SDR (Morgan, ON4MOD)
Tracking of the Asian hornets with BLE and SDR (Gilles Callebaut/Jan Van Moer, KU Leuven Campus Gent/Van Moer Consultancy)
Meshtastic (Thijs (@GUVWAF), Meshtastic Project)
Radiotechnology i...